Friday, October 31, 2008


After much searching, Sean and I found out what the people our age do for fun! It's not go to Prince Edward County... or go to 'the Buzz' on Bank street... or go to Canada's Wonderland... or go to one of the many other places we've ended up, only to discover we were some of the only people in the 25-30 age bracket! Attendence at the screening of the original, 1984 Ghostbusters movie at the Bytowne last night was DEFINITELY the place to be! SUCH a good time too! The fact that the film broke (i.e. the physical piece of film snapped in 2 on the reel) and they had to piece it back together in the middle just made it that much better! did all the people who showed up in costume! Who knew there was so much Ghostbusters parafenalia still floating around! (Sara, it kinda reminded me of that last Expos game...). Anyways, I'll be humming the theme song all day... good times!!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Today I parted with an old friend. After 36 years with the family, the old orange couch is no longer with us. Today, a lovely, young, student couple came to pick-up the much loved orange couch, to give it a new home. The couch, which was purchased in 1972 by my mother when she moved to her first apartment in Ottawa (just a few short blocks from where I now live) has had several homes, in Ottawa, Nepean and even a 2 year stay in a Westmount apartment. Re-apolstered only once, sometime in the early 1980s when orange was all the rage, the couch was of impecable quality.
Goodbye couch!