Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Karen's Spontaneous Adventure

So I'm writing this from Vancouver, where I've been since Saturday night, in order to attend a meeting and a conference Sunday-Tuesday. Why, you might ask, is attending a conference a spontaneous adventure? That's because I didn't know until 4 pm on Friday that I'd be coming. I'm here replacing one of the directors from my Centre at work. He had a family emergency and was adament that PHAC have a rep here... somehow I got the call! Perhaps because I'm young and unattached... but regardless, I got the call and after MUCH debate and anxiety, decided to cancel my Saturday and Sunday night plans (and/or just not attend them... despite the fact that one of them was a dinner party at my house)...

So far the conference has been good, and I've had a chance to see all the super cool people I know in Vancouver!! Simon was a super host... introducing me to Ramen noodles on Monday, and showing me his digs (and some of the super sushi in his 'hood) on Tuesday! Sunday night I did Japanese tapas... I never remember what it's called, but I had it last time I came. Who knew wrapping a hard boiled egg in pumpkin could be so tasty!

Anyways, I fly home today... the end of my adventure and a return to the craziness of the office! EEPS!!

p.s. YAY ALIWU!!!